Bordeaux Graph Workshop
Bordeaux, November 7-10, 2016.
Enseirb-Matmeca - 1 Avenue du Docteur Albert Schweitzer, 33600 Talence
> [BGW 2016] / Submissions

BGW 2016 is the fourth edition of Bordeaux Graph Workshop.
Organized by the "Graphs and Optimisation" group.


The submission system at EasyChair is now closed.

The deadline for abstract submission is July 3, 2016, notification of acceptance or non-aceptance on September 7, 2016.

Instructions to authors

Authors have just to complete one of the following LaTeX files:

First enter title, names of authors, and affiliations in "titleArea" environment. You can use different macros:

  • \author{firstname}{lastname}{referenceToAffiliation}
  • \authorWithoutReferenceToAffiliation{firstname}{lastname}
  • \affiliation{labelOfTheAffiliation}{name of the affiliation, address, country}
  • \affiliationWithoutReferenceToAuthor{name of the affiliation, address, country}

Then add your extended abstract in the "extendedAbstract" environment. The bibliography has to be written in this file in the "thebibliography" environment. You can use as usual environments "theorem", "proposition", "lemma", "property", "corollary", "conjecture", "example", "problem". Finally, the extended abstract must not exceed four pages and must be submitted in .pdf format .


Programme financé par l'ANR - n° ANR-10-IDEX-03-02