This is a preliminary program: here. (last modification: November, 17).
Here is the booklet (last modification: November, 14).
Presentation guidelines
Oral contributed presentations are given a 25 minutes slot:
- please make sure your presentation lasts at most 20 minutes. The 5 extra minutes are reserved for discussing and switching speaker.
- please bring the slideshow for your presentation in a pdf file on a flashdisk at the beginning of the session, in order to upload them on the room laptop. We cannot guarantee that other slideshow file types would be read properly.
- there are small parts of whiteboard next to the screen for illustrating your talk, yet do not rely too much on it for your presentation, it is rather inconvenient.
Abstracts of plenary talks
Finding a Subdivision of a Digraph. - F. Havet
We consider the following problem:
Given a directed graph D, does it contain a
subdivision of a prescribed digraph F? We give a number of examples of polynomial instances, several NP-completeness proofs as well as a number of conjectures and open problems.
This is joint work with J. Bang-Jensen and A.-K. Maia.
Extending partial representations of graphs - J. Kratochvil
We study the computational complexity of the following general question:
Given a graph class defined by geometric representations of a certain
type, and given a graph and a representation of some of its vertices, can
this be extended to a representation of the entire graph? This falls into
a general paradigm of extending a partial solution of a problem to a full
one which was studied in various connections (coloring, noncrossing
drawing etc.). In many cases the extension problem is provably harder
which corresponds to a common knowledge of architects - building from
scratch is easier than restoring an old house.
The results we will report upon include extension of geometrically defined
classes of intersection graphs - interval graphs, permutation graphs,
function graphs, and chordal graphs. Perhaps slightly suprisingly we will
see that in most cases the extension problem remains polynomial.
Playing for Time: 1101110 years of Combinatorial Game Theory - R. Nowakowski
Combinatorial Game Theory (CGT) is a new mathematical subject despite
being a very old human endeavour. I'll give a brief, admittedly biased,
overview of the ideas (such as Hot games, incentives, atomic weight,
flowers, miserable monoids), problems, and people, from Bouton's 1902
paper on NIM to the first comprehensive CGT text (soon-to-be-published by
Aaron Siegel). The talk will assume no specialist knowledge of CGT.
The Cycle Spectrum of Graphs - D. Rautenbach
Cycles in graphs and especially their lengths are
among the most well-studied topics in graph theory. The set of all
cycle lengths of a graph is known as its cycle spectrum. We present
recent results concerning
- the cycle spectrum of Hamiltonian graphs,
- the cycle spectrum of squares of graphs,
- a short proof of a versatile version of Fleischner's well-known theorem, and
- Ramsey-type results for the cycle spectrum.
The talk is based on joint work with S. Brandt, F. Joos, D. Meierling, K. Milans, J. Müttel, F. Regen, T. Sasse, D. West.
Graphs, Tournaments, Colouring and Containment - P. Seymour
Some tournaments H are ``heroes''; they have the property that all
tournaments not containing H as a subtournament have bounded chromatic
number (colouring a tournament means partitioning its vertex-set into
transitive subsets). In joint work with eight authors, we found all heroes
explicitly. That was great fun, and it would be nice to find an analogue
for graphs instead of tournaments.
The problem is too trivial for graphs, if we only exclude one graph H; but
it becomes fun again if we exclude a finite set of graphs. The
Gyarfas-Sumner conjecture says that if we exclude a forest and a clique
then chromatic number is bounded. So what other combinations of excluded
subgraphs will give bounded chromatic (or cochromatic) number? It turns
out (assuming the Gyarfas-Sumner conjecture) that for any finite set S of
graphs, the graphs not containing any member of S all have bounded
cochromatic number if and only if S contains a complete multipartite
graph, the complement of a complete multipartite graph, a forest, and the
complement of a forest.
Proving this led us to the following: for every complete multipartite
graph H, and every disjoint union of cliques J, there is a number n with
the following property. For every graph G, if G contains neither of H,J as
an induced subgraph, then V(G) can be partitioned into two sets such that
the first contains no n-vertex clique and the second no n-vertex stable
In turn, this led us (with Alex Scott) to the following stronger result.
Let H be the disjoint union of H_1,H_2, and let J be obtained from the
disjoint union of J_1,J_2 by making every vertex of J_1 adjacent to every
vertex of J_2. Then there is a number n such that for every graph G
containing neither of H,J as an induced subgraph, V(G) can be partitioned
into n sets such that for each of them, say X, one of H_1,H_2,J_1,J_2 is
not contained in G|X.
How about a tournament analogue of this? It exists, and the same (short)
proof works; and this leads to a short proof of the most difficult result
of the heroes paper that we started with.
There are a number of other related results and open questions. Joint work
with Maria Chudnovsky.
CNRS Chaire
Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux
Conseil Régional
Maths ŕ Modeler
Office du tourisme de Bordeaux
Région Aquitaine
Université Bordeaux 1