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List of accepted papersRank-width for countable graphs and compactness On oriented and 2-edge colored graphs Spanning trees in random series-parallel graphs Automorphisms of Neighborhood Sequence of a Graph Colorings of iterated subdivided-line graphs The Complete List of Ramsey $(2K_2,K_4)-$Minimal Graphs Circular flow numbers of (signed) regular graphs Broadcasts in Complementary Prisms The duality between matchings and vertex covers in balanced hypergraphs Algebraic connectivity of k-connected graphs List colorings of planar graphs Proof of a conjecture of Henning and Yeo on vertex-disjoint directed cycles Total colorings of cartesian products of graphs Perfect weight matchings versus maximum weight matchings: the ratio $\eta$ for some graph classes Identifying codes and VC-dimension Random Free Limits of Tree-Semilattices The chromatic number of a signed graph On the Number of Optimal Identifying Codes in Twin-Free Graphs Chromatic number of $P_5$-free graphs: Reed's conjecture Leaf-critic graphs Steinberg's Conjecture, the Bordeaux Coloring Conjecture and Near-Coloring On the Partition Dimension of Circulant Graphs Perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partition are 2-clique-colorable Incidence coloring of graphs with high maximum average degree Generation and Propagation in Graphs Neighbour distinguishing colourings of graphs Fractional and j-fold colouring of the plane Two Domination Problems Parameterized by Neighborhood Diversity STRUCTURE OF COMPLEMENT BIPARTITE GRAPH The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Graphs Proof of the middle levels conjecture 2-distance coloring of not-so-sparse graphs Decomposing graphs into locally irregular subgraphs: allowing K2's helps a lot A New Game Invariant of Graphs : the Game Distinguishing Number Automorphism Groups of Geometrically Represented Graphs Oriented Incidence Colouring of Digraphs Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs implying hamiltonicity Short cycle covers of cubic graphs A note on non-repetitive colourings Parametrized complexity of length-bounded cuts and multi-cuts Roman k-tuple dominating function on graphs Radial bipartite Moore graphs On the game colouring number of powers of graphs Safe set problem on graphs Improper coloring and density of graphs with a given girth Vertex Shelling Polytopes of Split Graphs Nonrepetitive coloring of geometric graphs On the Structure of Extremal Singular Graphs On the packing chromatic number of graphs Extending 3-colorings of a cycle to a triangle-free planar graph Splitting cycles in triangulations Signed graphs with two negative edges On parameterized complexity to determine b-chromatic and partial Grundy numbers Minimal Obstructions for Partial Representations of Interval Graphs Extremal Graphs of Girth 5 Rainbow connection and forbidden induced subgraphs Between treewidth and cliquewidth Multigraphs without large bonds are wqo by contraction A sufficient condition leading to the domination number of a bipartite graph The Rectangle Covering Number of Random Boolean Matrices Edge-colorings of graphs avoiding rainbow-triangles Edge-colorings of graphs avoiding fixed graphs with given color pattern Hereditary-closed games born by day n form a planar lattice Extremal results on the incidence coloring of sparse graphs Avoiding repetitions on the plane Finite families of forbidden subgraphs for rainbow connection in graphs Towards bounds of relational complexity Harmonious Coloring of Hypergraphs Searching for defective elements using queries of fixed size Partitioning 3-edge-coloured complete bipartite graphs into monochromatic cycles Balance in Random Signed Graphs On the unilateral colouring game Cores of cubic graphs: structure and oddness
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